Sunday, February 3, 2008

Blog Entry 1, Race Does it Exist?

After watching the PBS series, Race: The Power of an Illusion, it proved that race is just an illusion that people use to make them feel greater than a person of a different skin color. As Habermas, a German man stated that all prejudices are made because of the fear of the Other or people that are "different than them. Since the creation of the United States and the famus line in our constitution that all men were created equal, the fear of the Other made the American people try to define what a man was and how only WASPS (white anglo-saxton protestants) were people while many minorities and black slaves were considered less than man, thus the unailianable rights did not apply. Even scientists of that time tried to prove how race was a factor on determining a persons mental capacity, physical strength, and "pureness".However, as the experiment by the college students shown on the series that people with closer genetic DNA didn't necessarily have to be someone of the same skin color, showing that ultimately race is not a factor. Now that most people see that race is no longer showing who's better than who, less and less people having racial prejudices towards people of a different color or origin. There was many mistakes made in the past but presntly race isn't a deciding factor to decribe a human being.

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