Monday, April 21, 2008

Resistence During The Holocaust, What If It Happened Today?

In Germany from 1937-1945 a dictator ruled, promising to return all money lost, gain land it had lost from the Treaty of Versailles, and have Germany as a world superpower. In order to get people to believe this man they needed to have a scapegoat, Hitler chose all "non-Arians" such as Jews, Gypsies, Disabled, and homosexuals. he blamed these people for having wealth at the time where all Germans were poor, Hitler also said how he believed these people really didn't deserve to survive and that Arians were the dominant breed of humans. The final decision for him was to round up all Jews and do mass genocide by exterminating all of them. Can it happen again? The answer is yes, history can repeat itself and studies done proven that if people are convinced that it is necessary, anyone can do such atrocities. If a ruler took control of the country and started exterminating all people of the Muslim faith I would do anything I can do to help out. I believe that all people has rights as a human and that it is unjust to start killing people for no reason. I'm a caring person so i don't think i could stand by and let something like this happen. If I do act i would have to overcome many things if i wanted to help. First off one of the main hardships is dealing with people who actually believe that it is the best thing to do, man people already has a prejudice against Muslims all they need is someone to convince them it is the right thing to do. I can prove this by a on-line rumor that Barrack Obama is *gasp* a secret Muslim, there is way to much racism and brainwashing done by the media to convince many idiots that they are bad people and because he is a Muslim man you shouldn't vote for him. This leads to my second thing to overcome, "the man". If someone did this they already have control of the entire nation so in order to help the Muslims I would need to do it more secretly like Oskar Schindler, I would pretend I'm for the genocide of Muslims in order to make the biggest impact. Last challenge is taking the dictator out. In order to do this I need to find people who feel that same way I do or help a resistance organization to take the unjust ruler out. History has been known to repeat itself however with the sheer size of our country, and the number of people within it, I doubt such a thing like this can happen, however if it does happen this is probably what i would do.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Japanese-American Internment

On December, 7th 1941 the country of Japan made a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, forcing America to join the fight against the axis powers in the Second World War. After the attack, many Americans saw all Japanese people as the enemy. This caused politicians to "relocate" Japanese immigrants and even third-generation Japanese-Americans, to internment camps. Many Japanese people did not want to live in the camps and caused riots to break out in several camps. After the Japanese-Americans were rounded up there was probably some American that didn't agree with the injustices of the Japanese Internment, most were other minorities, such as African-Americans, Irish, and Italians who were also were treated poorly in the U.S. . Society of the past and of today is unjustified, on how people treat each other, on prejudging others, and unjust infringement of basic human rights. On how society was back in the 1940's there was really nothing we could have done, except we should have made sure that our fear of the Other does not lead to taking rights and holding people in jail-like camps. Throughout history there is instances on how history can repeat itself, in order to prevent such
atrocities from happening again we study our past to make sure that it would't happen again.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Blog Entry 1, Race Does it Exist?

After watching the PBS series, Race: The Power of an Illusion, it proved that race is just an illusion that people use to make them feel greater than a person of a different skin color. As Habermas, a German man stated that all prejudices are made because of the fear of the Other or people that are "different than them. Since the creation of the United States and the famus line in our constitution that all men were created equal, the fear of the Other made the American people try to define what a man was and how only WASPS (white anglo-saxton protestants) were people while many minorities and black slaves were considered less than man, thus the unailianable rights did not apply. Even scientists of that time tried to prove how race was a factor on determining a persons mental capacity, physical strength, and "pureness".However, as the experiment by the college students shown on the series that people with closer genetic DNA didn't necessarily have to be someone of the same skin color, showing that ultimately race is not a factor. Now that most people see that race is no longer showing who's better than who, less and less people having racial prejudices towards people of a different color or origin. There was many mistakes made in the past but presntly race isn't a deciding factor to decribe a human being.

Thursday, January 31, 2008